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15.08.2019 14:30

The past months, we have been busy working on a big project behind the scenes. Now is the time for us to proudly announce some big news: The second step of reworking the reorder functionality in plentymarkets has been finished and is available from now on. Read this blog post to see what has changed.

12.07.2019 08:45

A lot has happened since we first introduced the ShopBuilder over a year ago. Many of you knew right from the start that you would only use the ShopBuilder once you could use it to design your item pages. The time has come. The release of Ceres version 4.1 makes it possible to design item pages – and much more.

27.06.2019 09:45

In early May, we shut down the first of three order processes of the old plentyShop Callisto. Now the time has come to say goodbye to Callisto’s standard order process.

Users who are still using this order process need to integrate the Ceres checkout into their online store by August 5, 2019. Users with a Ceres online store are not affected by the shutdown.

25.04.2019 08:45

Our new plentyShop Ceres has made our old store template Callisto obsolete. We've already stopped providing support for Callisto. We'll take the next step in early May and we want Callisto users to be prepared. Learn all about the necessary precautions that you need to take in case you are still using the old checkout.

16.04.2019 09:30

plentymarkets and Mollie are the best of friends. The payment service provider showed its love by adding a new plugin to plentyMarketplace. This plugin helps plentymarkets customers add payment methods to their system quickly and easily.

Foto Atila Ioan Szekely
10.04.2019 08:45
from Atila Ioan Szekely

It's a tough decision. You want to use a different shop system for your online store, but you don't want to miss out all the features that plentymarkets has to offer. Why not get the best of both worlds? There's a new connector, which lets you easily link your Magento 2 online store with plentymarkets!

02.04.2019 09:45

plentymarkets is a powerful e-commerce tool, which gives sellers nearly endless possibilities. But since it’s a complex software, plentymarkets can seem difficult at times. We know that "complex" doesn’t have to be "complicated" – and that’s why we came up with a new way for sellers to easily set up their plentymarkets system. Get ready for a whole new way of using your plentymarkets software!

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