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Foto Jan Griesel
03.11.2014 22:45
from Jan Griesel

For plentymarkets 5.1, we have enhanced the Dynamic export menu by adding new data formats and expanding existing ones. Our main aim was to make working with individual customer data fields (characteristics) even easier.

You can use the data formats to quickly save relevant characteristics and information about your customers and then conveniently manage them in the plentymarkets backend. Using the new features, you can now export customer characteristics to a CSV file. In addition, you can filter by characteristics when exporting customers.

All characteristics can be selected in the Customer format of the Data exchange » Dynamic export menu. The internal field names of all customer characteristics start with the prefix CustomerProperty_.

Customer characteristics can also be imported using the CustomerProperty format. We have also added the CustomerPropertyLink format. This allows you to link characteristics to your customers.

You can filter data based on specific characteristics or specific dates. The Period filter allows you to enter two dates and export all records created during this period. This filter is also available for other export formats. For example, the Order format offers Period filters for Order received (OrderTimestamp), Outgoing items (DoneTimestamp) and Incoming payment (PaidTimestamp).

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