All sellers hope that their store will be listed in the first few results on search engines. After all, customers are more likely to click on the first few results when searching for a solution to their problem. This article provides sellers with a few simple tips and tricks for using search engine optimisation (SEO) to improve their store's ranking and make their products more visible.
1. Long tail keywords increase your conversion rate
Long tail keywords are specific phrases made up of several different keywords. Customers search for long tail keywords less often than they search for general terms. This means that long tail keywords have a lower search volume. However, potential customers who search for an item with two or more keywords are likely to have very specific ideas about the item they are searching for. Such customers are more likely to buy the item. By incorporating long tail keywords into your item descriptions, you can guide potential customers to the products that they are looking for and increase your conversion rate. "Easter bunny cookie cutters" is an example of a long tail keyword.
2. SEO for seasonal products
There are probably a few items in your product line that are only available at certain times of year. Seasonal items are quite common around Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or over the summer. One of the most important SEO rules for seasonal products: search engine optimisation takes time! Start making changes a few months before the season begins. You shouldn't expect to see a difference in your search result ranking overnight. You can improve the ranking of your product categories by adding links to these categories on individual product pages. Important tip: don't delete the page when the season ends. Instead, set up a 301 redirect which forwards customers to a more current page. This will allow you to keep your old page ranking intact.
3. User generated content
User generated content is another great tool for search engine optimisation. Search engines will rank your website higher if it has a high percentage of user generated content. Try linking social media comments to specific items and incorporating product reviews into the pages of your store. We especially recommend implementing this SEO strategy if you have a large base of satisfied customers. Instagram campaigns are a great way to get images from your users. Try holding a photo competition and challenging your customers to take creative pictures with your products. Then reward the winners with special prizes.
When it comes to SEO, put yourself in your customers' shoes and think about what they would search for. Modern search engine optimisation shouldn't focus exclusively on search engines. Rather, it should use them as a means for providing users better results.